School of STEAM

Fermentation Chemistry, B.A.



A bachelor of arts degree, with a built-in minor in Business, 欧宝体育app入口的发酵科学专业为学生在这个不断发展的全球行业的未来做好准备.  作为东海岸为数不多的以发酵为重点的学位课程之一, 欧宝体育app入口的项目包括实习,旨在建立在课堂上获得的基本技能. 学生通过与欧宝体育app入口首选的合作伙伴的必要实习来磨练他们的技能. 欧宝体育app入口的学生毕业时对发酵背后的科学和商业头脑有敏锐的理解,以支持这个不断发展的行业.  


Offered: On-Campus

belltower illustration



belltower illustration



belltower illustration


The SFU Learning Experience

Fermentation the Saint Francis Way

欧宝体育app入口的学生获得基础科学背景和实验室技能, coupled with several h和s-on learning opportunities.  将他们所学到的知识运用到几个实习机会中,可以帮助毕业生满足任何食品行业的需求, not just fermentation. 

individual pouring beer from fermentaiton vat






lined up fermentation barrels

The Chemical Breakdown of Fermentation Science.

Using the Master Brewers Association of America (MBAA) 和 American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) as a guide, 该大学精心将课程和实践学习机会相结合,最大限度地为不断发展的行业做好准备.   


Chemistry Core:  所有圣弗朗西斯的化学学生都使用备受推崇的美国化学学会标准进行教学.   欧宝体育app入口的化学产品的基本原理集中在有机化学的基石, quantitative analysis, 和 physical inorganic chemistry.  发酵学生将通过设施课程进一步了解他们的知识, biofuels, 和 fermentation chemistry.      


H和s-on Learning: Our majors thrive on experiential learning.  This likely will occur with our myriad of regional partners (Levity Brewing, Woody Lodge Winery, Clover Creek Creamery, 和 more!),他们的定位是在发酵行业提供现实世界的机会.  


Internships: 通过各种专业的实习机会运用你的知识和技能, including Levity BrewingWoody Lodge Winery


What You’ll Learn in the Fermentation Chemistry Program

欧宝体育app入口发酵科学课程的学生受益于成功驱动的化学课程.  Using the premier st和ards provided by the American Chemical Society在美国,所有化学专业的学生毕业后都准备好了有效地评价和交流化学概念.  课程让学生参与研究和活动,激发基于实践的学习,同时也鼓励他们在实习和其他方式中应用课程. 


Within a liberal arts 和 sciences tradition, 学生完成课程后将获得化学学士学位和工商管理辅修学位, providing them with elements they will need to find success!  

  • Key 前ics
  • Degree Paths
  • Learning Objectives
  • Key 前ics of Study

    Fermentation Chemistry 实验室探索了水在发酵中的作用以及发酵过程中发生的化学反应.  研究了磨矿、粉碎和麦汁分离的化学过程.    


    Design & Operation Facilities 研究商业设施的运行原理和商业反应堆和系统的设计.  学生将学习如何将小规模经营转变为商业规模, lending great importance to this thriving industry.


    Biofuel Production 强调过程,来源材料,净化,和能量含量的热力学.  The content addresses using natural resources, sustainability, 和 the ethics of outsourcing energy production.  

  • Degree Path
    Course Catalog
    Plan of Study
    Chemistry, B.A. with a Minor in Business Administration
    in-person bachelor of arts degree
    Course Catalog - 23/24
    Plan of Study
  • 发酵化学课程学习目标包括:


    • 学习制作发酵产品(奶酪、酸菜、葡萄酒、啤酒等)所需的科学。 
    • 建立商业头脑来管理发酵行业的财务方面  
    • 通过包括课程在内的发酵实践经验为职业做好准备, laboratories, research, 和 internships


portion of academic seal

Great Minds to Teach the Mind

Our chemistry 茶ching 茶m, including seven Ph.D.-level members 和 two lab instructors, 喜欢与每个新班级分享他们的学术研究和行业经验. 这个教育工作者的核心小组使欧宝体育app入口能够为学生提供化学科学方面的优秀教育.  The collaborative partners (Levity Brewery, Woody Lodge Winery, 等)是为快速发展的发酵领域提供相关内容的不可或缺的成员.  


Program Lead:  Dr. Benjamin Smith,, 814-472-3954

Career Outlook in Fermentation Science

The study of fermentation science is fueled by a growing industry.  In 2020, the Craft beer market was valued at $22.2 Billion, while the total beer market was valued at $94.1 Billion.  Growth in the wine market is evidenced by over 11,000 wineries in the US in 2021, growing from 6,200 in 2009.  发酵化学专业的毕业生不仅限于啤酒和葡萄酒.  传统的食品发酵,包括奶酪、酸奶、丹巴等,受到许多文化的追捧.   



  • What can I do with a bachelors degree in fermentation science?

    发酵科学学位为毕业生在不断增长的微酿或葡萄酒行业的职业生涯奠定了良好的基础, but also placement in: 

    • Distillation Technologies
    • 食物 & Beverage processing
    • Applied Biotechnology
    • Bio-manufacturing / Biopharmaceuticals
  • What makes the fermentation science program at SFU distinctive?

    作为东海岸为数不多的以发酵为重点的学士学位课程之一, our program st和s out because of the following:

    • Guaranteed internships with thriving local breweries 和 wineries
    • Access to the most up-to-date equipment 和 facilities
    • 基础化学学位要求符合美国化学会国家标准
  • Why should you pursue a program in the field of fermentation?

    As a fermentation science student, you likely have an interest in the growing industry of food, beer or winemaking.   你有没有想过发酵对全球的积极影响?  根据Good 食物 Institute的《欧宝体育app入口》, “发酵提供了一个机会,从根本上改变世界的饮食方式,改善全球人类和环境的健康和经济.“对发酵科学的研究也建立了对上帝创造的强烈敬畏.  那些研究发酵的人很快就认识到,他们的成功取决于浆果的成功收获, grapes, 蜂蜜, 小麦, 茶, or rice.